
Showing posts from December, 2023

Israel Isn’t Entitled to “Self-Defense” Against the People Under Its Occupation

  Israel Isn’t Entitled to “Self-Defense” Against the People Under Its Occupation -

Love Humanity - Justice for Gaza. Hands off its natural resources!

The call for justice in Gaza and the protection of its natural resources is a significant issue that has garnered international attention.   There are initiatives and campaigns advocating for the rights of the Palestinian people, particularly in relation to the exploitation of oil and gas reserves in the occupied Palestinian territory 1 2 .   These resources have the potential to generate substantial revenue and support socioeconomic development for the region 2 . The #JusticeForGaza initiative, for example, aims to bring together voices from international civil society, political leaders, and citizens worldwide to support the investigation of alleged crimes committed in the Gaza Strip 1 .   Additionally, organizations like the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians (ICJP) work towards raising awareness and seeking legal avenues to address the situation 3 . “Hands off its natural resources” reflects the sentiment that the natural wealth of Gaza should be used fo...

Gaza, Oil and Gas, Greed, Geology, Geography abd the Flagrant Defiance of the Rules-based International Order

The situation regarding oil and gas reserves in the Gaza Strip involves geopolitical, economic, and legal considerations. Here are some key points based on the information available: Oil and Gas Reserves : The occupied Palestinian territory, including the West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip, lies above significant reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth 1 .   These resources have the potential to generate substantial revenue and support socioeconomic development in the region 1 . Geopolitical Tensions : The exploitation of these resources has been a point of contention, with the Palestinian people so far being prohibited from utilizing these reserves to meet their energy needs and generate fiscal and export revenues 1 .   This has led to increased opportunity costs and total costs borne by the Palestinian people as a result of the occupation 1 . International Law and Order : The situation in Gaza has raised concerns about adherence to international law an...

Article: America’s War for the Greater Middle East (Continued) Here We Go Again?

America’s War for the Greater Middle East (Continued) Here We Go Again? By Andrew Bacevich -

Article: Henry Kissinger, war criminal extraordinaire: What you need to know about his real history — and why the Sanders/Clinton exchange matters

Henry Kissinger, war criminal extraordinaire: What you need to know about his real history — and why the Sanders/Clinton exchange matters    

Article: UN experts say Israel should be held accountable for acts of ‘domicide’

 UN experts say Israel should be held accountable for acts of ‘domicide’ - UN experts say Israel should be held accountable for acts of ‘domicide’ | OHCHR

Infoblog: How Corporate Media Helped Lay the Groundwork for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza | Truthout

How Corporate Media Helped Lay the Groundwork for Israel’s Genocide in Gaza | Truthout -

UN: 21 May 2021 – Letter on Article 51 – Self-Defense {is illegitimate)

21 May 2021 – Letter on Article 51 – Self-Defense

Article: Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves

 Behind Israel’s ‘end game’ for Gaza: Theft of offshore gas reserves -