Global Power Struggle:
There is a worldwide power struggle between the Global North and the Global South, which will determine the course of the next two to three generations.
The Global South, led by countries like China, Russia, South Africa, and Saudi Arabia, is trying to transition away from Western dominance.
The West, led by the US and Europe, is trying to maintain its control and dominance over the Global South.
Threats to the Global South:
The West is using various tactics, including electoral sabotage, espionage, and covert operations, to undermine the Global South.
The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) and USAID are funding political parties and NGOs in the Global South to manipulate and control them.
The West is trying to revive colonial control and subvert the economic sovereignty and political independence of the Global South.
Africa and the Middle East:
Africa and the Middle East are the most important regions for the Global South, as they hold the key to economic power and political independence.
The West is trying to exploit Africa's resources and manipulate its politics to maintain its dominance.
The UAE's actions in Sudan are a threat to the Global South, as they are backing a militia that is trying to take over the government.
BRICS Project:
The BRICS project is a coalition of countries, including China, Russia, India, and South Africa, that are trying to create a new global economic order.
The success of the BRICS project depends on the unity and solidarity of its member states.
The UAE's actions in Sudan are a threat to the BRICS project, as they are undermining the unity and stability of the region.
Muslim Unity:
Muslim unity is essential for the success of the BRICS project and the Global South.
Muslims should support their governments and work towards unity and solidarity, rather than spreading propaganda and undermining their own governments.
The West is trying to divide and conquer the Muslim world, and Muslims should be aware of these tactics and work together to resist them.
Criticism and Activism:
Criticism of Muslim governments should be based on factual reality and should aim to improve their moral and strategic position.
Illegitimate criticism that is based on false propaganda and aims to undermine Muslim governments is not helpful and is often used by the West to further its own interests.
Muslims should be careful not to fall into the trap of spreading Western propaganda and should instead focus on building their own strength and unity.
struggle uh there's a worldwide power struggle going on that will frankly determine the course of the next two or three generations and it all has to do with the transition to the global with whether or not uh the owners and controllers of Global Financial ass dominate dominate in a new updated version of the same type of Ruthless colonization uh that we've known for the bricks uh particularly China Russia Arabia uh are actively trying to steer the trajectory away uh from this sort of domination but the OC GFC are predatory by Nature they're predatory by Nature they preference is always going to be to subjugate to enslave to exploit and to pillage that will always be their preference that will always be their first choice if they can do convinced uh by one way or another that this choice is not optimal that the thing that they want isn't possible if they can find a way if they can find a way around negotiating and compromising then they will they'll never stop they'll never stop trying to find those ways ways that will allow them to pillage so look South Africa uh as I warned about several weeks ago before the election it has been Now undermined by means of what can only be called a soft coup an electoral sabotage but I don't only mean by uh by means of rigged elections but by comprehensive subversion manipulation and infiltration of their uh domestic political landscape States the so-called Democratic Alliance uh which has been supported by Outsiders by the west by the National Endowment for democracy and so on by Western private sector power collaborating with uh private sector power in South Africa has now been able to move its way into a ruling Coalition with thec okay the da is anti- bricks it's Pro Zionist they represent the colonizer class and interests I think that what happened in Africa is tremendously important and tremendously dangerous for the entire project because it reveals the very clear intent in my opinion of the owners and controllers of global financialized Capital to revive and to restore uh Colonial control by any and every means available to them and to subvert the economic sovereignty and political Independence of the global South if they can like I said if they can find ways to do it that's what they'll do there's a new Cold War happening there's a it's a cold war that's happening happening right now and I think that we are seeing uh Espionage and covert operations and political intrigues uh the likes of which we haven't seen since the 1950s 1960s at this point I don't feel confident to be honest about any so-called Democratic elections in any countries in the global South except that they will be tampered with and in fact not only in the global South in in in places like Eastern Europe and the Balkans and so forth same thing South America obviously this is also happening this is especially going to be the case in any country that operates according to a parliamentary system because they're very easy to manipulate and and and tamper with I think that bricks should dra should should draft a uniform policy that requires all member states or at least encourages all member states to ban uh the National Endowment for democracy from funding any political party or any NGO in their countries and you can add to that uh USA as well us a US aid but I don't think it's wise or safe for any bricks Nation to allow domestic organ ganizations or domestic political parties uh to be funded by the United States in any way whatsoever they're only going to be used to uh manufacture opposition or to manipulate real existing opposition towards their own ends against the interests of that country so that needs to be stopped in my opinion there are moves and counter Non-Stop the situation is fluid while there's no doubt in my mind that the global South will rise uh it's not at all clear who's going going to be in control of the global South when all is said and done the global South will rise but who's going to be managing that we don't know yet the economy is Shifting there's no question but those who have been uh controlling the global economy up until now want to maintain their control during and after the transition takes place during and after the the pivot how that's all going to turn out is up in the air right now and it's being determined that outcome is being determined by decisions that are being the most dangerous situation is in Africa because of course Africa is absolutely the most important continent on the planet the most important continent to the planet and the next most important and therefore the the the next most at risk region is the Middle East the Middle East and Africa power the whole global economy they power everything that makes a so-called Modern Life possible it's all made possible by the Middle East and Africa and if the West Was An actually civilized civilization that would mean that peace and stability in the Middle East and in Africa should be of Paramount importance good relations and harmonious dealings and so on that would be the priority if they were civilized people but of course the West is not civilized and if you have something that they need if you have something that they want but especially if you have something that they need then they do not see you as a friend they don't see you as a friend that they want to be close to and have good relations with they see you as an enemy that they want to subjugate they see the world in a predator prey Paradigm kill or beill mentality they're the original extremists and they've never grown out of it so for instance Sudan Sudan is strategically vital for the West not only for oil gold and minerals and so on but for agriculture they want Africa to feed them they want Africa to feed the West even if Africans have to starve so that westerners can be fed in fact if Africans starve they'll be assured because it means that the food is going to them which is what they want and again they approach the world with the mentality that someone has to starve someone has to be enslaved someone has to be exploited and as long as it's you they're happy you have to understand this mindset this is the mindset of the West this is their mentality it's a zero sum mentality an extremist mentality that's how they approach the world that's how they approach politics economics everything anything you have is something that they're being denied that's how they think you're not supposed to have anything because they're supposed to have everything now the uh United Arab Emirates backed the uh rapid support Sudan in an attempt to take over the government because they were afraid that uh they would lose influence uh in Sudan if a civilian democratic government got works and the UAE has been positioning itself for years now as a broker for everyone's interest interests and that's what they were doing in Sudan they wanted to be a broker for everyone's interests as opposed to the West dominating Sudan or China dominating Sudan or Russia dominating Sudan they wanted to dominate Sudan and manage everyone else's stake in Sudan they middleman I talked about this uh all the way back when the coup uh attempted coup place I said and I think it's been born out over time that everyone was aware of what the UAE was doing the Americans were aware the Europeans were aware the Russians and the Chinese everyone was aware and everyone approved of what the UAE was doing at that time for the Russians uh and for the Chinese and I think for for for Saudi Arabia as well uh their approval was conditional on the coup succeeding and stability being secured and restored quickly the Europeans uh will they approve because either way they could benefit if the coup succeeded then they could do business with the UAE they could mitigate some of China's and Russ's influence by means of the UAE and they can protect their own interests but if the coup failed then for them you know the country can fall into chaos and violence and that's fine because if that happens then China's and Russia's interests would be undermined anyway which is most mostly what they wanted and they could push for the War uh in Sudan to escalate until eventually uh San Sudan could be divided yet again after they had already successfully divided the south from the country now the West could be broken off so for them win-win if the coup Works they win and if the coup doesn't work they win and of course this is how it's gone you know everyone talks about uh India being the potential spoiler of bricks but in my opinion uh the UAE is more dangerous to the bricks project than India is even if unintentionally because uh in my opinion emulate uh the Western colonizer strategy of violence and the strategy of conquer uh which is completely at odds with the whole ethos and the whole bricks whether he knows it or not uh I think in my opinion he's absolutely playing into the hands of the west by rsf I mean not only is the UAE pushing Sudan towards balkanization he's feeding the monster of Arab African animosity that the CIA has spent Millions dollars trying to ferment for years this is absolutely the last thing that they should be doing as I said because the Middle East and Africa are the most important regions on Earth and solidarity and unity between the Arab Africa uh needs to be cultivated it needs to be fortified it needs to be strengthened the UAE is the biggest foreign investor in Africa more than three times uh Chinese investment as much as you hear about chin Chinese investment in Africa the UAE invest more it's nearly 10 times the amount of American Investment in Africa and they're doing that precisely because they understand how important Africa is but with what they're doing in Sudan well no one's going to see them as friends no one's going to see them as allies of Partners they're going to see them as Invaders as usurpers and who can blame them what happened in South in the uh South African elections was a win for the west and what's happening in Sudan West whether the UA knows it or not these are among the the moves and counter moves I was talking about the thing that will determine whether the transition to the global South uh actually results in the economic sovereignty and political Independence of the global South uh or whether it results in further subjugation and pillage uh the thing that will determine bricks I mean the UAE has been incredibly strategic in building their power and building their autonomy over the last 30 years but their actions in Sudan can undo everything that they've achieved and they can by by what they're doing in Sudan they could potentially sink bricks before it's even properly set sail they can sink it at the dock now I know that there will be you know the usual suspects online who think that uh their biases are the same thing as information and Analysis and they'll take what I'm saying as a validation of their own uh Prejudice and hatred and they'll they'll they'll take it as a validation uh of their wrong assumption that the UAE is a western puppet but no when you try to spread animosity against the Muslim countries you're just as bad as the rsf in my opinion in terms of your uh contribution to undermining bricks in terms of uh undermining Muslim economic sovereignty and political Independence and in terms of you helping to advance Western colonizer agendas and here what happened in South Africa highlights how perilous the situation is right now and and how perilous it's going to be for a number of years and thus how important it is for us to act and to speak with discipline and with solidarity I'm saying what I'm saying Sudan as a to the UAE because the policy that they're pursuing in Sudan is Criminal it's wrong and it's incredibly politically I don't want to see the project undermined by what they're doing I don't want to see their own project uh of expanding their sphere of influence I don't want to see that fall apart because that's a project that has the potential to uh in my opinion that that's a project that has the potential to benefit the entire Muslim world and by benefiting the Muslim World it will benefit everyone else as well look morally what they're doing in Sudan is reprehensible that's not an opinion that's a fact that's not open to question but my opinion is uh that what they're doing in Sudan is also politically counterproductive I would strongly advise that they immediately switch their support away from the rsf and back the Sudanese Army and they should convene serious negotiations peace talks for the disarming and the disbanding of the rsf and the surrender of its leaders and then they should uh poor investment into Sudan poor investment into Sudan both to try to uh make right the wrong that they've done uh but also to help secure the influence that they wanted but through soft power that's the way they need to do it through soft power not through military militias because look right now the truth is that the Gulf States particularly Saudi Arabia and the UAE but especially Saudi Arabia they hold the keys to the liberation of the global South and the Muslim World they really do truly their relationships with the other bricks countries with uh with Russia with China with Iran with India and how they manage their relationships with not only Western governments you know with the US and Europe but also with the uh Western private sector ocfc how they manage all of that can basically determine whether the Middle East and whether Africa will become a theater of colonizer Bloodshed and Chaos or whether it will Ascend to global economic political and cultural powerhouses which it should be the Middle East and Africa should be economic political and cultural powerhouses in the world they'll determine whether the Middle Eastern Africa will be the stable center of the world or whether they will uh both regions will just become a plantation of slavery and Carnage and we need to actually uh firmly support these countries for that reason and their governments they're under unimaginable pressure so if you're one of those people who's spreading Zionist propaganda against the Muslim governments you know Western propaganda uh in my opinion and I've said this many times you're literally collaborating with the enemies against the Muslims and in support of Western colonization Western colonialism and Western haity you're collaborating with all of that if you're attacking the Muslim governments and you're spreading propaganda look the bricks project is Bulletproof the outcome is not guaranteed what they're doing is fraught Peril there's an incalculable number of moving Parts uh in what they're trying to do and most of those parts uh are being coordinated and are being synchron ized brilliantly and our countries are uh consistently you know especially over the last 8 months they're consistently outmaneuvering the west but they're imperfect uh and they're sailing in waters so yeah there's no guarantee that they're going to succeed but I want them to succeed and you should want them to succeed so Arab African solidarity is a and Muslim Unity is a must and Muslim Unity includes Unity between the Muslim peoples the Muslim populations and the Muslim governments because again we're living in a very treacherous period with colonizer covert destabilization campaigns manipulation and subversion appearing across the global South and across the Muslim World across the Arab world the elections in South Africa are just the latest example of that but we see examples all the time so yes legitimate criticism legitimate criticism uh should only ever take the form of N and in order for the criticism to be legitimate the first criteria is that it has to be based on whether or not the goal of that criticism is actual uh correction and Improvement for strengthening the position of our governments the moral position and uh strategically if the goal is to just undermine or overthrow the governments then the criticism is illegitimate even if the grievance is valid even if the grievance is true and that's the other criteria obviously the criticism has to be actually uh based on factual reality it has to be true so you have to be telling the truth uh and you have to be telling the truth for the purpose of helping our governments be better morally and strategically better but what I'm seeing more often than not is illegitimate criticisms based on false colonizer propaganda expressed and spread for the sole purpose of undermining our governments you know the adab spring was more than 10 years ago and whether we want to believe that that manufactured uh or bit of both there's no question that uh that the Arab Spring was utilized by the colonizers the colonizers uh executed uh Saddam Hussein executed Gaddafi and plunged Syria and Libya into war so we can see practically that there's very little difference in outcome uh between a western military Invasion and a popular Uprising or protest movement in the Muslim world the outcome in either case is misery and objectively both Saddam Hussein uh and Gaddafi were dictators yes sure and also objectively things were immeasurably worse after them you know Sudan's overthrow ofar Al bash as I warned about prior to iten happening years ago it's been massively destabilizing for Sudan we wouldn't be where we are now in Sudan uh had that not happened had they not overthrown Al bash look the lines are very clear the sides are very clear in this uh struggle and they're very clear because we know the way the West thinks predator and prey it's the Predator prey mentality so if you are not firmly and uncompromisingly on the side of the Muslims the Muslim countries and yes the Muslim governments then you are on the side of the predatory West simple and if you want to be uh on the side of the global South whether you're non-muslim uh then you should be on the side of the Muslim countries and you should be on the side of the Muslim governments because bricks is simply not going to work without them and the global South uh will not gain sovereignty the most the global South will not gain sovereignty and it will not gain independence without the Muslim states without the Muslim governments and no one is going to be able to stop the colonizers except the Muslims period no one will be able to do it except for us you know it's amazing to me that you have the same people you know you'll find this the the the same people who will berate and who will condemn uh Muslim governments as Hypocrites uh and yet they have no hesitation themselves about allying with Marxist leninist communist atheist left-wingers or with uh white supremacist anti-semitic Evangelical right-wingers but somehow they can't condescend to support Muslim rulers I mean it's absurd they're really just useful idiots for the colonizers honestly so when I talk about the UAE and Sudan it's the same as me talking about uh the election tampering in South Africa I'm talking about moves that endanger the bricks project the project for economic sovereignty and political Independence of the global South because I want that to succeed and I'm not criticizing for the sake of criticizing you know I'm not criticizing because I'm trying to bring down or to berate the government of the UAE no the success and the stability of the UAE is crucial and I think what they're doing in Sudan is detrimental in many ways to that success and to that stability I mean they could face uh criminal charges at the ICC for what they're doing in Sudan let's be honest but at the same time they're doing many positive things but the Sudan crisis can tear all of that apart it can destroy everything they've worked on so this is and I think that Muslims need to realign themselves with Islamic Norms uh instead of with Western norms and they need to realize that okay for the West because their leaders anyway uh view the population as enemies in the Democratic West you have protest that's the go-to for political activism but for Muslims we have sincere advice you know in the Democratic West the default relationship between the people and the government is antagonistic but that's not supposed to be our relationship with our leaders as I said the situation is incredibly dangerous we're living through a moment now that will determine the trajectory of global power dynamics Generations we have to take that seriously you know these westerners are getting panicked and they're getting and they're capable of doing desperate and extreme things burning a house down is a lot easier and a lot faster uh than building one and the Muslim countries and the countries of the global South the economies of the global South they're trying to build their houses uh in a neighborhood of arsonists that's a undertaking but but we have these people you know want to be activists self-righteous want to be activists people who think that they're shedding light when uh what they're really doing is lighting fires you know someone sent me a story uh the other day about a journalist in uh Jordan who was arrested Jordan uh and who uh obviously Western human rights groups are now advocating for this journalist to be freed uh and this person who sent it to me asked me why would Jordan arrest a journalist uh to stop her from reporting the truth about Palestine clearly indicating that he himself had completely believed the colonizer propaganda narrative you know she was arrested for telling the truth no she was arrested literally for publishing debunked Zionist propaganda that was intended to slander the government of Jordan and to incite opposition against Jordan that's why she was arrested what do you think was going to happen they're going to give her a balloon look the these are scops this is agit prop against the Arab and the Muslim governments precisely because they are not Western puppets and even more so because they're not Western puppets anymore and they're making independent and defiant choices they're making independent and defiant moves that the West does not like you think that these rulers are Western puppets while the West is actively trying to ferment rebellion and topple them I said you're blind and the first one that they would like to topple is NBS that's the first one that they'd like to topple the the the main one who you who this type of person foolishly believes is a western puppet even though he joined bricks uh dropped the Petro dollar agreement reconciled with Iran uh snubbed the G7 in favor of going to the bricks Summit uh and has been factually the strongest and most insistent leader demanding a Palestinian State it's absolutely transparent what the West is doing and it's transparent why they're doing it and yet there are Muslims who will go along with it against our own interests and that's why I say if you are blind to reality then you should also be mute about it because the situation is too serious for political tourists to come into the uh public discourse just to recite the uh travel brochure about the region that was printed for them by Washington and Tel Aviv you know people who want to bring western style anti-establishment protest to the Muslim world uh because all you're doing is serving Western interests when you do that whether you know it or not if the only way that you can pass the day without lying is by being silent then be silent because when you speak without knowledge well an uninformed opinion is nothing but a lie at the end of the day so it's better for you uh in the D it's better for your D and it's better for your to keep silent if you can't Channel your emotion Channel your anger your heartbreak your angst about the situation in Gaza or Sudan or wherever else if you can't channel that energy that emotional energy in into doing research and critically following news and events to educate yourself about reality then you don't actually care enough about this situation to make yourself useful and all of your anger and your heartbreak and your angst are all just uh nothing but narcissistic exercises to make everything about you and your feelings Well we'd all appreciate if you would just Journal about it instead of intrude on serious