Headlines you have not seen: Switch off the TV News 2022–2023

Headlines you have not seen: Switch off the TV News 2022–2023

When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, my mind went into overdrive thinking about it. The headlines you have not seen is written in bold.

It’s been more than a year since the invasion began. Today, I’m taking stock of it. 

The conclusions that I have arrived regarding the Russian invasion of Ukraine is that a third actor is behind it. The opposite of what the mainstream media had stipulated about the war is true. 

Russia is a reactionary force in this war. This war was borne many decades ago, rooted in — Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Ukraine Secret

In 2014, when a revolution took place in Maidan Square, Ukraine my mind connected with Tiananmen in China, Tahrir, in Egypt, and Charlie Hebdoe in France: The revolution had the signature of another made for TV event.

Today, after the events which had occurred in 2014 have escalated into a full-blown war, Russia reacted resolutely against it.

It’s a mistake to view political events isolated from its historical context. That includes the war in Ukraine. Like the war in Iraq, the war in Ukraine has a number of dimensions to it which is not obvious but war logistics has got alot to do with it. War for economic gain is what’s driving the war in Ukraine.

There is alot to be said about imperialism, which has its roots in medieval Europe. Today, the USA is the hegemon which is continuing this legacy. It is not my intention to trace the sordid story of imperialism in this write-up.

America is united on the Ukraine war, right? Still, let’s follow the money. is in the list of headlines which the mainstream media has downplayed.

Here’s the list of headlines which I have compiled since the nascent stages of the Ukraine war:

Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West’s fault; the Liberal Delusions that Provoked Putin
(1) US-NATO Warmongering Over Ukraine is All About Defense Contractors’ Money
(2) NATO Arms Sales to Ukraine: The Spark That Starts a War with Russia?
(3) U.S. pushing Ukraine back to war in Donbass.
(4) Russia Retaliates Against Kiev’s Aggression on Donbass
(5) U.S. Proxy War Against Russia in Ukraine: The Afghanistan-Syria Redux Option.
(6) President Barack Obama spent “$5 billion paying Ukrainians to riot and dismantle their democratically elected government.”
(7) Neocons, Ukraine, Russia, and the Western Struggle for Global Hegemony
(8) Are we at the beginning of the end of Western civilization?
(9) Six Things the Media Won’t Tell You About Ukraine
(10) New Dark Age: Understanding Ukrainian Nazism
(11) NATO Sliding Towards War Against Russia in Ukraine
(12) What is the true scale and scope of the Nazi problem in Ukraine? — Analysis of #Nazi Movement in Ukraine
(13) Russia Calls for Verification Mechanism On Ukrainian BioLabs
(14) US Military Complex to Benefit from Russia-Ukraine Conflict
(15) US Embassy Removes All Evidence of Ukraine Bioweapons Lab. Here is All the Data
(16) How and Why the US Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in the Ukraine
(17) Maidan Coup
(18) America is united on the Ukraine war, right? Still, let’s follow the money
(19) CIA Intervention in Ukraine Has Been Taking Place For Decades
(20) Seven Decades of Nazi Collaboration: America’s Dirty Ukraine Secret
(21) Understanding Ukrainian Nazism
(22} Under the Wolfsangel: The Uncomfortable Truth about Radical Ideologies in Ukraine
(23) The Media Ignores the CIA in Ukraine
(24) US House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine
(25) Manufactured Crisis: CIA trained Neo-Nazi Azof Battalion and has chosen Ukraine of New Global White Supremacist Terror Threat
(26) Ukraine: West has Paved the Road to War with Lies
(27) US Military Involvement in Ukraine: NATO Expansion Through Proxy War
(28) Uncle Sam does Ukraine
(29) Make Nazism Great Again / The Ugly Western Agenda Behind the Ukraine War
(30) European Gas Importers Quietly Surrender to Russia and Begin Buying Gas in RUBLES While the West’s Economic Warfare Scheme Disastrously BACKFIRES 
(31) China condemns ‘racist’ Western hypocrisy over Ukraine: You ignore victims in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Palestine 
(32) Western Hypocrisy, and Why It Makes the World a Dangerous Place
(33) Ukraine Figures into America’s regime change project for Russia
(34) How the US has empowered and armed Neo Nazis in Ukraine.
{35) The End of US?
(36) The American Nightmare
(37] A Dangerous Implosion of American Politics
(38) 2022: The Year the US achieves Collapse
(39) Is USA a Failed State under Biden?
(40) Biden admitted in 1997 NATO expansion would cause Russian ‘hostile reaction’
(41) End of days: Is Western Civilization on the Brink of Collapse? (January 2018 article published on New Scientist magazine}
(42) The End of Dollar Hegemony
(43) The End of American Hegemony? — Crisis Magazine
(44) 2022: The Year the US achieves Collapse Phase Lock
(45) The Collapse of the Fiat System
(46) The California Exodus Continues as Residents Head South of the Border
(47) What does America Gain By Arming Ukraine?
(48) At Last, the EU Wakes Up — And Finds Out It’s Doomed Anyhow
(49) Ukraine: How the West Was Lost
(50) “Russian Soldiers Poisoned in Ukraine with Chemical Weapons Prohibited”. Lethal Botulinum Brought by US to Mariupol in 2021
(51) Ukraine Is the Latest Neocon Disaster
(52) Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine
(53) Neocons bent on starting another disaster in Ukraine
(54} Ukraine: Follow the Money
(55) Endless war is back — as the merchants of death waltz us toward Armageddon — Salon
(56) Russia was ‘baited’ into invading Ukraine — Salon
(57} The Republic is finished and the America we know is gone
(58) A dangerous implosion of American politics
(59) Goodbye America: A Country that Cannot Control Its Own Borders Cannot Survive
(60) Political West took $12 Billion fron Ukraine Since February
{61} The American Empire Self Destructs But Nobody Thought It Would Happen This Fast
(62) Gold Rush in Ukraine — Consortium News
(63) The West’s False Narrative about Russia and China
(64) Complete Reckoning With the West and New Anti Colonialism: Putin’s Grand Accession Speech
(65) Ukraine sold $12bln worth of gold during the war
(66) US Senators Want to Target Russia’s Gold Reserves
(67) The Latest Heist: US Quietly Snatches Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
(68) Pentagon study declares American empire is ‘collapsing’: Report demands massive expansion of military-industrial complex to maintain global ‘access to resources
(69) De-dollarization: Towards the End of US Monetary Hegemony
(70} US Monetary Imperialism: The Emperor has No Clothes
(71} 20 Years of Criminal Wars Neocons Started — Time for a Honest Accounting
(72) De-dollarization: Towards the End of US Monetary Hegemony?
(73) What Really Happened in Ukraine in 2014 — And Since Then
(74} Jeffrey Sachs and Philip Giraldi: Ukraine War is Yet Another Neocon War
(76) Azov, the Neo Nazis doing the West’s Dirty Work in Ukraine
(77) Dollar Colapse — Nestmann: The End of Globalization as We Know it.
(79) Ukraine Gold Reserves Reported to be Hastily Aircrafted to the US
(80) NATO’s Lies About Expansion Eastward
(81) 50m of Nordstream pipeline destroyed by “explosions”, police, videos..
(82) Timing the Collapse: Ron Paul Says Watch the Petrodollar
(83) Saudi Arabia Looks To Join BRICS Next Year (in 2023)
(84) The Real Reason Behind The 911 Terror Is Control Over Global Collateral Accounts
(85) Opinion — Saudi joining BRICS will be game changer
(86) Saudi Arabia Looks To Join BRICS Next Year (2023)
(87) Massive Implications, Saudi Arabia in Discussion to Join BRICS Coalition — The Outcome Would be Global Energy and Economic Cleaving
(88) Mass Layoffs in 2022: List of Top Companies That Have Laid Off Thousands of Workers
(89) Leading Companies Announcing Layoffs And Hiring Freezes
(90) The Biggest Layoffs of 2022 So Far
(91) 10 Indications That Western Society Is Collapsing
(92) Pepe Escobar: On the Dawn of a New Global Financial System
(93) Iran Looks To Join BRICS Group Of Russia And China
(94) Neoconservatism Taken Down
(95) How Neocons turn “democracy” into Grotesque Ideological Imperialism
{96} Ukraine and America”s “War on Terrorism”? Is US-NATO Applying the “Syria Model” in Ukraine?
(97) Ukraine is a terrorist entity like Al Qaeda and ISIS
(99} The Latest Heist: The US Quietly Snatches Ukraine’s Gold Reserves
(100) US Ambassadors lead in Abuse of Power
(101) Accelerated De-dollarization
(102) De-dollarization — A Reaction to Washington’s Weaponization of the US Dollar
(103) US Forces Untrained, Unready For Russian, Chinese Jamming
(104) How Russia Is Messing With the Air Force’s Drone Radio Links
(105) Russia’s Assembling a Drone-Jamming Force
(106) Electronic warfare: The U.S. is losing the invisible fight to Russia’s dominant capabilities
(107) The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
(108} US Actions Foster De-dollarization
(109) Are the Neocons the Greatest Threat to World Peace?
(110) Washington D.C. Neocons are the Greatest Threat to World Freedom
(111) Who are the Neocons?
(112) How and why the U.S. Government Perpetrated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine
(113) The Real Structural Problem: The Self-Destruction of Capitalism
(114) Contract for Covid Jab “Bioweapon” VERY Strange, Says Expert Karen Kingston
(115) This DC party invite shows all the money to be made off the Ukraine war

I swear that politics and international relations is not my first love. My first love has been and always will be the universe as a love of beauty construct and the metaphysical foundations of it.

This article is borne out of fortuitousness because I have been following the unfolding of global events since the beginning of 2022 without planning to present the contents here in this way.

And also because I have accumulated more than enough material to write about it in the first place. 


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